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The Nest

West view of the Nest

Bean bag

East view of the Nest

East view

Elementary Education Director Marji Calbeck, Sequoia Elementary Principal Becky Vichqiuis, Ms. Margot Kuhre-Lipkin, Parent Donors and the Sequoia Student Council opened the Wellness Center on campus with a ceremonial ribbon cutting. "This space, called 'The Nest,' is a calm indoor space on campus where students can go during morning and lunch recess to engage in quiet activity," Principal Vichiquis said. "It will also be used by our counselors during the rest of the day to meet with students individually and in groups. Thank you to everyone who donated items to furnish the space and a HUGE thank you to Ms. Margot Kuhre-Lipkin who coordinated this effort!

Resource Tree

Four members from Girl Scout Troop 33765, Mira, Grace, Lily and Kaylee, created a wonderful new addition to the Nest for our students.  For their Girl Scout Silver Award the scouts wanted to do something that was really needed when they were in elementary school. The scouts wanted to create a place where students had the resources  to learn about anti-bullying and mental health.   They designed, sanded, painted and built this amazing tree for our students.  The tree has comfortable pillows that the scouts made for students to sit and read or have a quiet moment to themselves.   The branches have soft twinkling lights and even a stuffed snake in the leaves.  The scouts created an Amazon wish list to fill the branches of the trees with books about mental health, bullying, self awareness, and other social emotional topics for elementary students.  They also collected games for the students to play together. 

If you wish to assist with keeping the tree and Nest stocked with fresh books and games please use the link here:


Student Resources


Coloring Pages and Activities: