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5th Grade Intradistrict Transfer Information


If you want your fifth grader to attend Sequoia Middle School or any other MDUSD middle school, you MUST complete an online INTRAdistrict transfer request through MDUSD’s website. The link will not be active until October 15th, so if you try to look at the link before then, you won’t see anything live.  The deadline for completing your request is November 15, 2023.  If an online transfer request is not completed, your student will be automatically placed at your home middle school (based on your address).

Transfer request window is open from October 15th - November 15th, 2023


To complete the online transfer request, go to MDUSD Website ( and follow these tabs/links: 

  • Departments -> Student Services -> Transfer Information (
  • Scroll down just a little to the section labeled “INTRAdistrict Transfers”
  • Click the link labeled “APPLY HERE”
  • Complete the Google Form
    • For the question “Reason for Transfer Request,” select “Attendance Agreement” 
      • (unless you also have another student who will be attending Sequoia Middle next year, then you would select “Sibling”)
    • You will need your student’s seven-digit ID number
    • You will also need to know what your “home” middle school is

Notes: The on-time INTRAdistrict transfer application time frame will be October 15 – November 15, 2022. Be sure to select “INTRAdistrict” transfer (as opposed to “interdistrict” transfer).

If you have any questions, or need to look up your student’s ID number, please contact the school office. You can also visit the District’s intradistrict transfer information page: (

Transfer request window is open from October 15th - November 15th, 2023