Parking Lot Procedure
Sequoia 2023-2024 Parking Lot Procedures
School safety is one of our major concerns. We request your help and support to make entering and exiting our school a safe experience each and every day.
● Parent parking is not allowed in the parking lot during school hours. The entire lot is reserved for use only by Sequoia staff, including teachers, support staff, and district personnel. Please do not assume it’s OK to park in an empty spot – an empty spot likely means a staff member is en route to campus.
● Each parking space is numbered and assigned to personnel. Parents/visitors do not have parking spots. Please be mindful not to block staff parking spaces, as well.
● Parents/visitors doing business at the school should park on the street in the neighborhood around the school. When parking on surrounding neighborhood streets, please be mindful of red curb zones and do not block driveways. Also, please be sure to pull as far forward or backward as possible in the available space, to maximize the number of cars that can stop/park in a given area.
● Do not make left turns from eastbound Boyd Road into the school parking lot during drop-off or pick-up hours. You are likely to be ticketed by the Pleasant Hill Police Department (PHPD), who diligently watch for traffic violations in the area. Be mindful of your speed on Boyd Road and in the parking lot, as well.
● The parking lot includes an inner and an outer driving circle. All traffic for both circles should be one way, entering at the east side of the lot (farthest from buildings) and circling around in front of the office. DO NOT stop your vehicle in the inner circle or use it for parking. Also, DO NOT drop off or pick up passengers in the inner circle.
● Do not leave your car unattended in the parking lot.
● Please always pull as far forward as possible in the outer circle to make room for other people picking up or dropping off students at school. Failure to do so causes unnecessary delays as well as traffic complications all along Boyd Road.
● Please do NOT use cell phones while you pick up and drop off your children. Save your cell phone use for after you have exited our parking lot and the school area. You need to pay your full attention to students and traffic and abide by “hands-free” laws.
● Always follow the directions of school personnel guiding the parking lot procedures.
● Do not walk across or ask your child to cross through the middle of the parking lot. This is extremely dangerous. Please wait to drop off or pick up your child until you are on the side of the lot nearest the school buildings (the Kiss & Drop Zone).
● Do not cross the street (Boyd) in front of the school. This is extremely dangerous. Please go to the nearest crosswalk to safely cross the street (which also sets a good example for our students).
● Whether you use the school’s front entrance (Boyd Rd.) or the back entrance (Theo Ln.), please remember that we are part of a neighborhood and guide your child (and yourself) to respect the property of others. If you use the back entrance (Theo Ln.), note that for security reasons the gate by the bridge is locked during school hours and there is no access to the school. Please be mindful to not block driveways or mailboxes on Theo Ln.
● Please be courteous in the parking lots and remind your child to always follow safety rules. Sequoia Elementary definitely has a parking challenge, but everyone can help lessen the tension and ease the situation through cooperation.
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Please ensure that you are saying your goodbyes for the
day near the front of the school. After school, we ask that
parents do not wait for their children at the classroom, as
that is a distraction for students and teachers. We want to
ensure a safe environment for all children. To accomplish
this, we must know who is on campus at all times. Should
you need to be on campus, you must come to the office,
sign in, and wear a visitor’s badge. Thank you for your
understanding and compliance.
Where do I park if I need to come into the school?
● Parent parking is not allowed in the parking lot during school hours.
● Visitors/parents doing business at the school should park in the limited-time visitor’s parking located in the lane in
front of the office wing, near the flag pole. Parking is only permitted along the right side of this lane; DO NOT park
along the red-curbed left side or stop your vehicle in the middle of the lane, as this is a hazard to emergency
responders and impedes the flow of traffic.
● Parents may also park on surrounding neighborhood streets.